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    memoize 缓存 // webpack lib/util/memoize.js const memoize = fn => { let cache = false; let result = undefined; return () => { if (cache) { return result; } ……

    追风者 - 2022年5月16日 17:12


    管道链 js function compose(...fn) { return fn.reduce((result, it) => { return (...args) => { return result(it(...args)) } }, (it) => it) } 用法: js function fn1(x) { return x +……

    追风者 - 2022年4月21日 10:25


    Object.assign Object.assign() is not available in IE11. And the babel compiled output for object spread syntax checks a bunch of Symbol stuff and is almost a kb. So this function is the smaller replac……

    追风者 - 2022年4月21日 10:23


    A polyfill is a term coined by Remy Sharp for a snippet of code that adds support for a feature to browsers that don’t offer it natively. They let you provide deeper backwards compatibility and browse……

    追风者 - 2022年3月29日 19:05
